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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (647 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    281. Quantity : Plural or not (5113 candidates)
    282. Quantities (5074 candidates)
    283. Find the correct word (5062 candidates)
    284. Present : Ser (5034 candidates)
    285. Road signs (4945 candidates)
    286. Recipe : Apple pie (4921 candidates)
    287. Diminutives (4860 candidates)
    288. #el que#lo que (4813 candidates)
    289. Internet (4808 candidates)
    290. Prepositions (4797 candidates)
    291. Present (4795 candidates)
    292. Birthday (4665 candidates)
    293. Mientras/siempre que/desde/hasta que (4661 candidates)
    294. Relative pronouns (4648 candidates)
    295. Imperative: negation (4553 candidates)
    296. Compound tenses (4538 candidates)
    297. Algunas especies animales (4489 candidates)
    298. Los cambios climáticos, (4381 candidates)
    299. Apocope (4380 candidates)
    300. Recipe : Lemon cream (4355 candidates)

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