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    tests by chocolatcitron with the online test builder (260 tests)

    41. Towns in the USA and nicknames (367 candidates)
    42. Towns in the USA and nicknames (671 candidates)
    43. Misadventure (284 candidates)
    44. Winter conditions (334 candidates)
    45. Winter conditions (343 candidates)
    46. Weatherman, oops ! (461 candidates)
    47. Let's go skiing! (536 candidates)
    48. Grammatical values of 'd (899 candidates)
    49. Linking words (554 candidates)
    50. Notions of taste : spice 4 (391 candidates)
    51. Notions of taste : spice 3 (175 candidates)
    52. Notions of taste : spice 2 (341 candidates)
    53. Notions of taste : spice 1 (537 candidates)
    54. Chocolate cake (609 candidates)
    55. Irregular verbs and past participles (635 candidates)
    56. Irregular verbs in simple past (643 candidates)
    57. Plural or singular (488 candidates)
    58. Possessive adjectives (710 candidates)
    59. Possessive pronouns (1408 candidates)
    60. Silent letters (752 candidates)

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