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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (653 tests)

    41. Gran / Grande? (3276 candidates)
    42. Quantity : mucho/poco (3199 candidates)
    43. Future - irregular verbs (16111 candidates)
    44. Prepositions (3096 candidates)
    45. Deber / deber de (9360 candidates)
    46. Enclisis (1464 candidates)
    47. Este, esta... (3715 candidates)
    48. Adjectives (13295 candidates)
    49. Pretérito indefinido (6839 candidates)
    50. Imperative (7101 candidates)
    51. Imperative (6249 candidates)
    52. False friends (3651 candidates)
    53. Imperative (19488 candidates)
    54. Reflexive personal pronouns (1386 candidates)
    55. Present (156371 candidates)
    56. Cinema (4245 candidates)
    57. Conjugate : Affective talks (5933 candidates)
    58. Imperative (2367 candidates)
    59. Possessive adjectives (24475 candidates)
    60. Marketing vocabulary (10497 candidates)

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