tests by webmaster with the online test builder (319 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
41. Introducing oneself (easy) (466051 candidates)
42. Passive voice (451982 candidates)
43. General Test II / End of high school / Beginning of universi (441042 candidates)
44. IN, ON, AT or TO? (436846 candidates)
45. Relative pronouns (434806 candidates)
46. How to pronounce the final -ED? (past simple) (425989 candidates)
47. Relative clauses (417754 candidates)
48. Sounds: [h] (415200 candidates)
49. This / That / These / Those (387743 candidates)
50. Comparing (384023 candidates)
51. Conditional (380847 candidates)
52. Some, any, no, enough, too/too much/too many (364507 candidates)
53. Irregular verbs (358345 candidates)
54. Preterite continuous (BE + -ING) (357233 candidates)
55. Present continuous or present simple (355692 candidates)
56. What time is it? (332821 candidates)
57. Flags (313524 candidates)
58. Placement test 3 (307417 candidates)
59. Order of adjectives (301655 candidates)
60. Agreement Tags (300372 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
41. Introducing oneself (easy) (466051 candidates)
42. Passive voice (451982 candidates)
43. General Test II / End of high school / Beginning of universi (441042 candidates)
44. IN, ON, AT or TO? (436846 candidates)
45. Relative pronouns (434806 candidates)
46. How to pronounce the final -ED? (past simple) (425989 candidates)
47. Relative clauses (417754 candidates)
48. Sounds: [h] (415200 candidates)
49. This / That / These / Those (387743 candidates)
50. Comparing (384023 candidates)
51. Conditional (380847 candidates)
52. Some, any, no, enough, too/too much/too many (364507 candidates)
53. Irregular verbs (358345 candidates)
54. Preterite continuous (BE + -ING) (357233 candidates)
55. Present continuous or present simple (355692 candidates)
56. What time is it? (332821 candidates)
57. Flags (313524 candidates)
58. Placement test 3 (307417 candidates)
59. Order of adjectives (301655 candidates)
60. Agreement Tags (300372 candidates)
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