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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (653 tests)

    401. Por/Para (26100 candidates)
    402. Imperfect or simple past? (42982 candidates)
    403. Preposition A (10967 candidates)
    404. Conjugation : Correct tense (5299 candidates)
    405. A / EN (14212 candidates)
    406. Placement test (440613 candidates)
    407. Tenses: saber / tener (813 candidates)
    408. Las placas tectónicas (630 candidates)
    409. Egyptian pyramids (901 candidates)
    410. Future (16778 candidates)
    411. Possessive adjectives (1546 candidates)
    412. Fruit & vegetables (10851 candidates)
    413. Diminutives (4850 candidates)
    414. Mona Lisa (797 candidates)
    415. Relative pronouns (1199 candidates)
    416. Find infinitive forms (2532 candidates)
    417. Gardening (981 candidates)
    418. Video games (2305 candidates)
    419. Opposites (5289 candidates)
    420. Prepositions (1537 candidates)

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