tests by here4u with the online test builder (564 tests)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
421. Trying to find: seek- look for- search (3524 candidates)
422. Remain/Stay/Be left (3519 candidates)
423. Ever and its compounds. (3493 candidates)
424. Link words: condition and consequence (3488 candidates)
425. Do: Insistence - Contradiction - Confirmation (3457 candidates)
426. Verbs in several tenses (3431 candidates)
427. Pronunciation of the final sound -ED (3401 candidates)
428. Increase your vocabulary : 2-4 (3352 candidates)
429. Infinitive implied by its particle. (3315 candidates)
430. Take, Look, Get + particles (3288 candidates)
431. To say / to tell ... (3271 candidates)
432. Link words 2: some more... (3205 candidates)
433. The different pasts, again! (3179 candidates)
434. Recognizing verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs...Level 1 (3138 candidates)
435. Can't help or Prevent (3126 candidates)
436. Lie/ Lay/ Lie (3126 candidates)
437. There is/ there are + other forms... (3095 candidates)
438. Forms of verbs (3093 candidates)
439. Vocabulaire: natural catastrophes... (3077 candidates)
440. Possessive idioms (3069 candidates)
Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
421. Trying to find: seek- look for- search (3524 candidates)
422. Remain/Stay/Be left (3519 candidates)
423. Ever and its compounds. (3493 candidates)
424. Link words: condition and consequence (3488 candidates)
425. Do: Insistence - Contradiction - Confirmation (3457 candidates)
426. Verbs in several tenses (3431 candidates)
427. Pronunciation of the final sound -ED (3401 candidates)
428. Increase your vocabulary : 2-4 (3352 candidates)
429. Infinitive implied by its particle. (3315 candidates)
430. Take, Look, Get + particles (3288 candidates)
431. To say / to tell ... (3271 candidates)
432. Link words 2: some more... (3205 candidates)
433. The different pasts, again! (3179 candidates)
434. Recognizing verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs...Level 1 (3138 candidates)
435. Can't help or Prevent (3126 candidates)
436. Lie/ Lay/ Lie (3126 candidates)
437. There is/ there are + other forms... (3095 candidates)
438. Forms of verbs (3093 candidates)
439. Vocabulaire: natural catastrophes... (3077 candidates)
440. Possessive idioms (3069 candidates)
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