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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (653 tests)

    421. Hacer (2412 candidates)
    422. Orthographic changes in the verbs (8539 candidates)
    423. Personal pronouns (3740 candidates)
    424. Por / Para (25571 candidates)
    425. Nervous system (1511 candidates)
    426. Adverb (3090 candidates)
    427. Reflexive personal pronouns (1275 candidates)
    428. Present (irregular) + Salar de Uyuni (7638 candidates)
    429. Logical sentences (9015 candidates)
    430. Recette : leche frita (482 candidates)
    431. Logical sentences (1072 candidates)
    432. Ser / Estar (correct tenses) (1233 candidates)
    433. Imperative (20291 candidates)
    434. Synonyms (1794 candidates)
    435. Find the noun (2357 candidates)
    436. Relative pronouns (4642 candidates)
    437. Imperative (31031 candidates)
    438. Logical replies (3558 candidates)
    439. Present (76849 candidates)
    440. Infinitive (1574 candidates)

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