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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (647 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    521. Complete : Zaragoza 2008 (773 candidates)
    522. Infinitives (766 candidates)
    523. Nouns from verbs (765 candidates)
    524. Tener/Saber (762 candidates)
    525. Imperative (733 candidates)
    526. Prepositions "A" or "EN" (710 candidates)
    527. Complete these sentences (703 candidates)
    528. Joaquín Perez (701 candidates)
    529. Synonyms (verbs) (688 candidates)
    530. Complete : Melting of the glaciers (684 candidates)
    531. Gerund (668 candidates)
    532. Imperative (664 candidates)
    533. Subjunctive (present and imperfect) (664 candidates)
    534. Por/Para (647 candidates)
    535. Las placas tectónicas (637 candidates)
    536. Past participle (594 candidates)
    537. Spelling (593 candidates)
    538. Past participle (591 candidates)
    539. Watching TV (572 candidates)
    540. Prepositions (567 candidates)

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