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    541. Prepositions (11075 candidates)
    542. Pièges à éviter (2978 candidates)
    543. Infinitive (1612 candidates)
    544. Present (irregular) (5280 candidates)
    545. Past: spelling (8642 candidates)
    546. Passé simple (2781 candidates)
    547. Pretérito imperfecto (7497 candidates)
    548. Proposition conditionnelle (20921 candidates)
    549. Prepositions (4347 candidates)
    550. The right verb (1095 candidates)
    551. Past (53869 candidates)
    552. Ser / Estar (5620 candidates)
    553. Imperative (1764 candidates)
    554. Riddles (5156 candidates)
    555. Présent de l'indicatif (3801 candidates)
    556. Doctor, can you tell me...? (1948 candidates)
    557. Participe passé/gérondif (8598 candidates)
    558. Tenses (4311 candidates)
    559. Pronouns (10676 candidates)
    560. Prepositions (3420 candidates)

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