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    tests by chocolatcitron with the online test builder (203 tests)

    61. False friends - P - 4/4 (526 candidates)
    62. Dictation - our childhood 1/3 (937 candidates)
    63. Dictation - our childhood 2/3 (551 candidates)
    64. Dictation - our childhood 3/3 (425 candidates)
    65. False friends - P - 2/4 (548 candidates)
    66. False friends - P - 3/4 (562 candidates)
    67. Black swift 2 (222 candidates)
    68. Dictation - our favourite teacher (557 candidates)
    69. Black swift 1 (294 candidates)
    70. Story and irregular verbs (558 candidates)
    71. False friends - daily life (653 candidates)
    72. False friends - daily life (619 candidates)
    73. British English - American English: the family (849 candidates)
    74. Fear in her heart (357 candidates)
    75. Adjectives : Ochi and Pawel 1/2 (386 candidates)
    76. Adjectives : Ochi and Pawel 2/2 (285 candidates)
    77. Food and idioms 5 (290 candidates)
    78. Food and idioms 6 (355 candidates)
    79. British English - American English:clothes and accessories 1 (5389 candidates)
    80. False friends: Q-R 1/3 (529 candidates)

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