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    These tests : French tests All
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    tests by eos17 with the online test builder (389 tests)

    81. Compound adjectives (4946 candidates)
    82. The verb 'to ask' and its synonyms (3066 candidates)
    83. Adjectives and prepositions (1221 candidates)
    84. Prepositions of time (2427 candidates)
    85. At/In/To (17942 candidates)
    86. Dream? Nightmare! / simple past (2484 candidates)
    87. Synonyms of 'To Say' (2554 candidates)
    88. False friends (6274 candidates)
    89. Compound adjectives (4309 candidates)
    90. Suffixes in derivation (9841 candidates)
    91. Expressions of quantity (2750 candidates)
    92. How to look at you (2727 candidates)
    93. Verbs and tenses (2665 candidates)
    94. Antonyms and derivation action (1356 candidates)
    95. Verbs and prepositions (7069 candidates)
    96. Prefix 'fore' (1170 candidates)
    97. Expressions with Word (2829 candidates)
    98. False friends (8536 candidates)
    99. Different pronouns (3318 candidates)
    100. Prepositions (1692 candidates)

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