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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (653 tests)

    81. Tenses (3174 candidates)
    82. Past participle (3889 candidates)
    83. Relative pronouns (10485 candidates)
    84. Gerund (5939 candidates)
    85. Preposition -DE (6559 candidates)
    86. 'en' / 'y' (5788 candidates)
    87. Subjunctive present (3989 candidates)
    88. Pretérito indefinido (6895 candidates)
    89. Subjunctive present (12795 candidates)
    90. Subjunctive imperfect (12151 candidates)
    91. Prepositions : por / para (9745 candidates)
    92. Prepositions (5686 candidates)
    93. Zaragoza 2008 (3000 candidates)
    94. Present (17975 candidates)
    95. Subordinate clauses (5142 candidates)
    96. Imperative (13994 candidates)
    97. Imperayive (11161 candidates)
    98. Pretérito indefinido / pretérito perfecto (56851 candidates)
    99. Prepositions : por et para (7832 candidates)
    100. Present (9433 candidates)

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