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    tests by lili73 with the online test builder (470 tests)
    Ranked by: number of candidates - By ID | By average | By title | By candidates (today) | By candidates (yesterday) | Waiting for approval |
    81. Possessive case (45941 candidates)
    82. Final consonant doubled (45596 candidates)
    83. Alphabet (45581 candidates)
    84. Word confusion (45207 candidates)
    85. This/ These/ That/ Those (44998 candidates)
    86. Pronunciation of -ed in past simple (44818 candidates)
    87. Verbs + up /down (44690 candidates)
    88. Phrasal verbs (44440 candidates)
    89. Passive form (44229 candidates)
    90. Saint Valentine's Day (43902 candidates)
    91. Singular and plural (43586 candidates)
    92. Health problems (43040 candidates)
    93. I or me? (43029 candidates)
    94. Infinitive phrase (42873 candidates)
    95. Adjectives and adverbs (42683 candidates)
    96. There is/there are/ago (42660 candidates)
    97. Subjunctive (42510 candidates)
    98. Use of capital letters (42377 candidates)
    99. Hands and gestures (42364 candidates)
    100. Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns (42229 candidates)

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