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    tests by hidalgo with the online test builder (848 tests)

    821. Quantity : mucho/poco (3204 candidates)
    822. Gran / Grande? (3278 candidates)
    823. Subjunctive present (27850 candidates)
    824. Before/in front of... (2857 candidates)
    825. Passé composé (16521 candidates)
    826. Pretérito indefinido (10086 candidates)
    827. Infinitive of verbs (1894 candidates)
    828. Grammaire :Les pronoms relatifs (13345 candidates)
    829. Proverbes : retrouvez la suite logique (2594 candidates)
    830. Prepositions (5425 candidates)
    831. Frequent mistakes (1108 candidates)
    832. Never / ever (8504 candidates)
    833. As / like/ how (20108 candidates)
    834. Across / through (13833 candidates)
    835. Modal verbs (5310 candidates)
    836. Le présent du subjonctif (10305 candidates)
    837. Les antonymes (98521 candidates)
    838. Personal pronouns and enclisis (3178 candidates)
    839. Adverbs (2891 candidates)
    840. Choose the correct tense (2663 candidates)

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