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    Learn English > English lessons & exercises > Such a strange trial ... 2/2 Mix of tenses > Stats updated every 4 hours
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    Exercise "Such a strange trial ... 2/2 Mix of tenses", created by here4u (a free exercise to learn English):
    Results of the 1 884 people who have taken this test:
    Average mark: 53.5 / 100 Share

    Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): colocolo / FRANCE, on Monday 06 February - 11:31:
    "Thanks again...!"

    They got a perfect mark

    Stats (1884 candidates)
    Question 1 passed: 59.8 %
    (... continued) Mrs Salmon had been flabbergasted * the suspect’s twin-brother.

    Question 2 passed: 71.8 %
    They were like two peas in a pod and * one from the other …

    Question 3 passed: 68.6 %
    Everybody knew that one was guilty whereas * but nobody knew which was who ...

    Question 4 passed: 63.3 %
    What * in such circumstances ? Not much …

    Question 5 passed: 44 %
    Knowing that it’s less shocking and immoral to release a culprit than to condemn an innocent man, and that everyone is presumed innocent until * guilty

    Question 6 passed: 48 %
    the two brothers * for lack of evidence … One problem was that everyone was sure that a murderer was at large, and rightfully scared …

    Question 7 passed: 54.5 %
    During the trial, the reporters and a huge crowd * in front of the court house …

    Question 8 passed: 49.5 %
    The twins * for long minutes inside the court house with their counsel. Then they decided it was time they left the place …

    Question 9 passed: 61.7 %
    The counsel * them to go out through the back door …

    Question 10 passed: 53.8 %
    but one of them, no one * which, said : ’I’ve been acquitted, haven’t I ?’

    Question 11 passed: 58 %
    Therefore, they went out through the front door, wedged in the crowd, and then, it happened : one of the twins * right in front of a bus,

    Question 12 passed: 48.2 %
    he screamed and *, his skull smashed

    Question 13 passed: 41 %
    just as Mrs Parkers 's *.

    Question 14 passed: 55.1 %
    The surviving twin * over his brother’s body, looked at Mrs Salmon, and cried …

    Question 15 passed: 46.5 %
    Was it a divine vengeance ? * …

    Question 16 passed: 50.1 %
    Whether it was the murderer or the innocent man who *,

    Question 17 passed: 50.5 %
    nobody * …

    Question 18 passed: 38.6 %
    Yet, * if I tell you that,

    Question 19 passed: 49.6 %
    since then, Mrs Salmon * at night ?

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