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Exercise "How to express consequence", created by here4u (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 10 124 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 55 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): colocolo / FRANCE, on Thursday 29 December - 16:03:
"Always thanks again...!"
They got a perfect mark
Stats (10124 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 58.1 %
1) He was * good pianist that everybody thought he was a professional. In fact, he wasn't !
Question 2 passed: 52.9 %
2) He was speeding and driving carelessly, * he was arrested by the police and fined.
Question 3 passed: 55.8 %
3) That lecture was too confused * understand anything. I gave up listening after twenty minutes.
Question 4 passed: 50.4 %
4) The young girl was * good singer that everybody had tears in their eyes.
Question 5 passed: 55.4 %
5) She didn't do what she had promised, and *, she disappointed everyone around her.
Question 6 passed: 57.9 %
6) If she had worn gloves, she wouldn't have left her fingerprints everywhere, * she wouldn't have been arrested.
Question 7 passed: 47.6 %
7) The air traffic controllers were on strike * many foreign lecturers arrived late at the symposium.
Question 8 passed: 49.8 %
8) He was whispering, * you had to be both silent and careful to hear what he was saying...
Question 9 passed: 49 %
9) Young Marcel spoke with * everyone could hear he was from the South of France !
Question 10 passed: 46.1 %
10)The baby was sick when I had just changed him and was cuddling him. *, I comforted him and changed him entirely again and then,... I changed myself !
Question 11 passed: 48.7 %
11) My sister didn't come to take me back home from hospital, * I had no other choice than manage by myself.
Question 12 passed: 49.6 %
*, I hired a taxi.
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