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Exercise "Vocabulary: Emergency - First aid...", created by here4u (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 28 951 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 82.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): show2009 / IVORY COAST, on Sunday 03 September - 08:48:
"Merci beaucoup !"
They got a perfect mark
Stats (28935 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 79.6 %
1 - There has been a huge accident on the motorway... A *'s bringing a few patients to the hospital and landing on the roof !
Question 2 passed: 83.8 %
2 - 'Ouch! Mom! I've fallen down and my knee's bleeding...' 'Come here, darling. I'll clean it for you and put a * on your knee.'
Question 3 passed: 86.3 %
3 - 'Move away, please... An old lady has just * and needs fresh air.'
Question 4 passed: 89 %
4 - 'Errrr... I have a headache, Mommy...' 'Let me feel your forehead! Oh dear, you must *, you're burning up...'
Question 5 passed: 84.7 %
5 - 'Open your mouth... Stick your tongue out... Oh dear, you have a *, it's scarlet!
Question 6 passed: 76.6 %
6 - 'Oh! My finger hurts!...' 'Show me! Yes, I can see a *, here...'
Question 7 passed: 81.2 %
- 'Just a minute... I'll take it out with *, and then, I'll clean your finger...'
Question 8 passed: 83.6 %
7 - You know, Clara's Mom has fallen while having a shower. She has* and can't walk at all...
Question 9 passed: 86.8 %
- 'I wonder how she'll manage to go from one place to another... Will she use *?'
Question 10 passed: 69.3 %
'Of course not! She'll just use a pair of *...'
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