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Exercise "Each or Every", created by here4u (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 28 450 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 59 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): lilas53 / CANADA, on Sunday 24 October - 20:10:
They got a perfect mark
Stats (28428 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 68.7 %
1. In this street, * house is different,
Question 2 passed: 65.2 %
whereas in the other neighbourhoods, * house is the same
Question 3 passed: 58.3 %
and the only difference is * colours.
Question 4 passed: 45.3 %
2. Lucy will you please sort these games out and put * different item
Question 5 passed: 44.7 %
in * box?
Question 6 passed: 55.9 %
In 20 minutes, * game must be out of the way,
Question 7 passed: 47.3 %
in * own boxes.
Question 8 passed: 55.4 %
Remember, I want you to tidy up your room * and not only when I'm angry.
Question 9 passed: 63.7 %
3. Repeat * sentence several times to learn the poem by heart.
Question 10 passed: 72.3 %
If you do that * morning, you'll know it in no time.
Question 11 passed: 51.4 %
* student will then recite the poem in front of the whole class.
Question 12 passed: 62.7 %
As * knows it perfectly,
Question 13 passed: 64.2 %
* able to appreciate your performance.
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