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    Learn English > English lessons & exercises > In/ into - On/ onto > Stats updated every 4 hours
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    Exercise "In/ into - On/ onto", created by here4u (a free exercise to learn English):
    Results of the 17 378 people who have taken this test:
    Average mark: 57.5 / 100 Share

    Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): stupefaite / POLAND, on Wednesday 16 August - 18:06:
    "Practice makes perfect"

    They got a perfect mark

    Stats (17378 candidates)
    Question 1 passed: 80.1 %
    1. I’m sure he did it… I saw him putting your phone * his pocket.

    Question 2 passed: 56.8 %
    2. Since I saw Hitchcock’s « the Birds », I’ve been afraid one might fly * my room…

    Question 3 passed: 72.6 %
    3. Did you say the car keys were * the desk

    Question 4 passed: 61.2 %
    or * the first drawer?

    Question 5 passed: 62.1 %
    4. She was having a rest * her garden

    Question 6 passed: 57.9 %
    when she saw a burglar get * her back kitchen.

    Question 7 passed: 59.6 %
    5. When our beloved teacher walked * the room,

    Question 8 passed: 59.5 %
    everyone stood up, and some students even climbed * their desks

    Question 9 passed: 46.7 %
    as the boys had done * “Dead Poets'Society”, but he ordered everyone down!

    Question 10 passed: 33.4 %
    6. The thief was so tired of running away that he turned himself * the police.

    Question 11 passed: 55.1 %
    7. "Oh dear! The kitten’s stuck * the roof!

    Question 12 passed: 52.3 %
    How did it manage to climb * the roof, I wonder… It’s so tiny.

    Question 13 passed: 43.6 %
    Do you think I can get * this roof with a ladder?

    Question 14 passed: 58.7 %
    I know you have one * the garage."

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