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Exercise "Vocabulary: moving one's body", created by here4u (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 16 595 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 84 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): lilas53 / CANADA, on Sunday 13 February - 21:47:
They got a perfect mark
Stats (16592 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 85.6 %
1. « Come on, Tommy! Be sensible! If you don’t * when you drink your chocolate, you’ll spill it in your bed.”
Question 2 passed: 84.3 %
2. No need to * … I can see that you’re angry but I want you to calm down right now!
Question 3 passed: 91.5 %
3. Megan, * and try to touch your toes. It should be easy for you…
Question 4 passed: 92.2 %
4. Lucy, it’s time for you to * now… If you don’t, you’ll be late for school.
Question 5 passed: 77.2 %
5. Children, quiet please! * your arms and be still while Pat’s explaining to you what you’ll have to do.
Question 6 passed: 71.8 %
Then, you’ll * your hands to speak in turns…
Question 7 passed: 91.4 %
6. In the underground, there were so many people that I * and almost fell down when the train stopped.
Question 8 passed: 82.2 %
7. I’m really depressed and would need a * now…
Question 9 passed: 93.5 %
8. * at people is rude and you shouldn’t do it.
Question 10 passed: 71.9 %
9. When I saw that horror movie, I kept * and my hair was standing on ends on my arms.
Question 11 passed: 92.1 %
10. If you’ve liked the show, you may * now!
Question 12 passed: 60.1 %
11. He didn’t really say he didn’t agree, but he simply *.
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