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    Learn English > English lessons & exercises > Accident or act of revenge 2 (vocabulary) > Stats updated every 4 hours
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    Exercise "Accident or act of revenge 2 (vocabulary)", created by here4u (a free exercise to learn English):
    Results of the 2 348 people who have taken this test:
    Average mark: 65.5 / 100 Share

    Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): djez / FRANCE, on Saturday 21 October - 16:39:
    "Absolutely, I won't!"

    They got a perfect mark

    Stats (2348 candidates)
    Question 1 passed: 75.3 %
    When Marilyn knocked at my door to * to me, she explained that my father wanted us to be friends, and that she was trying hard...

    Question 2 passed: 63.5 %
    Marilyn hadn’t actually moved in with us, but she had quite become part of the furniture. She came home with dad from the Brewery, and cooked healthy meals for us: no more beans on toast, fried eggs and chips... I * so much...

    Question 3 passed: 73 %
    I was * seeing dad dote on her and kiss her and mostly I hated hearing her tap-tapping heels around the house.

    Question 4 passed: 70.1 %
    I hated her dangling * too and dreamt of ripping them through her earlobes.

    Question 5 passed: 68.7 %
    On that Saturday, as my father had *,

    Question 6 passed: 67.5 %
    I was asked *.

    Question 7 passed: 59.8 %
    First my Mum’s beautiful * had to be taken down from the airing cupboard, near the landing at the top of the stairs.

    Question 8 passed: 68.7 %
    I was sent to * and position it as safely as I could, which I did. Marilyn went up, but I accidentally forgot to specify that one of the steps was loose. Hard luck...

    Question 9 passed: 66.9 %
    When Marilyn was at the top of the ladder I forgot to hold it as planned because I got distracted by a noise at our front door and I turned around; then heard a *, felt a blazing burn on my cheek, and blood on my blouse as Marilyn plunged past me and down, landing in a heap at the bottom of the stairs.

    Question 10 passed: 73.4 %
    « Accidental death », they called it, and after that, my father was never the same again. I moved to a * at 16 and have been taking care of myself since then... I will always have the scar left by her stiletto on my cheek, and I will never forgive her for that...

    Question 11 passed: 49.5 %
    That aching, raging teenager had dismissed questions from her mind... Yet, the readers can't do it: we * wondering whether this was really « Accidental death » or

    Question 12 passed: 65 %
    some dark and planned scheme to * someone

    Question 13 passed: 52.1 %
    so horribly *.

    Question 14 passed: 56.7 %
    I don’t know what you’ll conclude, yet, more generally speaking, I think I must advise you not to * an angry teenager with your own life under any circumstances!

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