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Exercise "Food and idioms 2", created by chocolatcitron (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 345 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 69.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): lilas53 / CANADA, on Thursday 16 March - 12:01:
They got a perfect mark
Stats (345 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 62.6 %
Bless my soul ! How did she get the job of a manager, after everything she did ? * !
Question 2 passed: 72.8 %
You smile at everyone, but * your bad temper: so, I'm leaving you, good luck!
Question 3 passed: 72.2 %
We're married and you live as if you were still a bachelor. Sorry, I do * !
Question 4 passed: 65.5 %
Are you telling me about her son ?... For sure, she * !
Question 5 passed: 57.1 %
No, drop it, *. I will pay the bill this time, next time, it will be your shout...
Question 6 passed: 70.1 %
You should * if you want to save your couple. The efforts shouldn't be unilateral, but shared in a fair way !
Question 7 passed: 69.3 %
Her words are starting to * me; I'm fed up with getting them everyday!
Question 8 passed: 70.7 %
Don't get involved in that, please. *.
Question 9 passed: 70.1 %
When Cécile and Michel, in their forties, got together, all their friends * because they had known each other since childhood!
Question 10 passed: 72.8 %
Corinne has to lose the accummulated pounds to nibble all last year, before her operation, otherwise, her surgeon will refuse to take care of her; then Corinne is *.
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