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    Learn English > English lessons & exercises > Idioms : self-improvement > Stats updated every 4 hours
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    Exercise "Idioms : self-improvement", created by chocolatcitron (a free exercise to learn English):
    Results of the 196 people who have taken this test:
    Average mark: 66 / 100 Share

    Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): ushas / FRANCE, on Monday 24 April - 00:41:

    They got a perfect mark

    Stats (196 candidates)
    Question 1 passed: 69.4 %
    To be, feel and live happy, well, * of your past!

    Question 2 passed: 81.1 %
    He wanted to * and win the Grand Slam: he gave everything, including his life, the poor guy! He had chosen it... : "a short and exciting life to a calm and quiet existence...!"

    Question 3 passed: 56.1 %
    His Human Resources director would * as he used to change his schedule every day: he was the routine type, so inevitably, this job was not for him! Currently, he is undertaking vocational training to work on his own.

    Question 4 passed: 65.8 %
    She works in a clinic: the health, well being of her patients is her *. Working every day doesn't scare her, she loves what she does!

    Question 5 passed: 73 %
    They had built their whole house themselves with a lot of *. They could be very proud of it, not being in the trade!

    Question 6 passed: 65.8 %
    He's fighting to get out of his mess, he's really not a * !

    Question 7 passed: 59.7 %
    At work, she felt like she * to her colleagues : looks discrimination... but she landed the lead role in a movie for her ungrateful physique!

    Question 8 passed: 51 %
    We are not going to beat around the bush for hours, *, and the matter will be quickly settled.

    Question 9 passed: 63.3 %
    With his only Certificate of Education, dad had famous customers on an international scale: with his meticulous and unique work, he had * and for love of a job well done.

    Question 10 passed: 69.9 %
    As a very good student, he is destined to a bright future: everything succeeds for him, he will pass in the upper class * ! Congratulations to you!

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