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Exercise "Vocabulary: speed and slowness", created by here4u (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 314 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 76.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): icare29 / FRANCE, on Tuesday 23 April - 11:07:
"thanks alot"
They got a perfect mark
Stats (314 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 87.6 %
«I really want you to * ! Think before writing, take care of the punctuation and to the spelling! I want this essay to be perfect!»
Question 2 passed: 65.9 %
The tall man was walking at *, and to stay near him, the child had to run a little…
Question 3 passed: 83.4 %
When the bell rang, all the pupils stood up * and rushed to the door to meet their parents.
Question 4 passed: 86.3 %
«Don't *, Dad, the signs along the road say 70 and you have already reached the limit.»
Question 5 passed: 80.9 %
«Kids! Dinner’s ready! * the stairs before everything gets cold!»
Question 6 passed: 88.2 %
Paula closed the door * so as not to wake up the kids who were still asleep.
Question 7 passed: 82.2 %
«Would you please, approach the seat you’ll be shown * and silently…»
Question 8 passed: 66.9 %
«When the alarm bell sounded, the people * of the building to escape a possible danger.»
Question 9 passed: 73.2 %
The young mother picked up her baby very * and started rocking him lovingly…
Question 10 passed: 44.9 %
The patient’s heart was beating at a * which made the nurse frown….
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