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    Learn English > English lessons & exercises > Else and compounds > Stats updated every 4 hours
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    Exercise "Else and compounds", created by here4u (a free exercise to learn English):
    Results of the 490 people who have taken this test:
    Average mark: 83 / 100 Share

    Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): happynutmeg13 / FRANCE, on Monday 10 June - 18:56:
    "Thank you!!!"

    They got a perfect mark

    Stats (490 candidates)
    Question 1 passed: 92.9 %
    "I'll buy flour, butter, eggs, and chocolate. * would you like me to bring back from the shops to make your favourite cake?"

    Question 2 passed: 90.4 %
    "Peter told me to send the answer immediately, but * advised me to wait a little more."

    Question 3 passed: 86.9 %
    " * will understand me as well as he used. I miss him so much..."

    Question 4 passed: 62 %
    "No soda, please, but * will be alright for me, thank you."

    Question 5 passed: 85.7 %
    "I can't find my credit card... It's not in my wallet, it's not in my backbag, * can it be?"

    Question 6 passed: 90.4 %
    "If they suggest some food you don't like, you can always ask to be given *. You just have to ask for a change in the menu in the morning."

    Question 7 passed: 93.5 %
    "Peter doesn't know! Leo doesn't know! In your opinion, * is likely to know?"

    Question 8 passed: 89.4 %
    "No Bob! Tell me the truth, * you'll be grounded for a whole year!"

    Question 9 passed: 61 %
    "This jacket isn't mine, and it is not yours..." "It must be *. We have to find its owner."

    Question 10 passed: 74.1 %
    "It's too noisy here. I can't hear anything... * would you like to go?"

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