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Exercise "BD : Betty's adventures 20", created by bridg (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 1 059 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 75.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): biscotte92 / FRANCE, on Wednesday 05 July - 14:47:
"Good exercise! Thank you so much! :)"
They got a perfect mark
Stats (683 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 84.8 %
Where is Betty? In *
Question 2 passed: 79.5 %
Why is she still there *
Question 3 passed: 79.5 %
How long has she been stuck in this place? for *
Question 4 passed: 75.5 %
What did she expect? *
Question 5 passed: 80.1 %
When, at last, Bobby arrived, she *
Question 6 passed: 78.3 %
She wanted him to help her but Bobby pretended *
Question 7 passed: 67.6 %
Did Betty dare to insist ? *
Question 8 passed: 68.5 %
In the following morning, where did Bobby meet up with Betty? *
Question 9 passed: 80.4 %
What did he give back to Betty? *
Question 10 passed: 44.4 %
What did Betty discover? *
Question 11 passed: 70 %
Did Betty seemed to be in a bad mood ? *
Question 12 passed: 78.8 %
What did Betty ask Bobby? *
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