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Exercise "Words and suffixes", created by lili73 (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 24 254 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 61.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): jac73 / FRANCE, on Thursday 05 March - 16:24:
"Thank you very much"
They got a perfect mark
Stats (22439 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 76.4 %
{19282.jpg} I can't understand how the * (rob) managed to enter the house.
Question 2 passed: 60.6 %
Why should a * (fear) person be afraid of aliens? {19025.gif}
Question 3 passed: 74.4 %
{19227.gif} He is a * (power) man, he can lift heavy weights.
Question 4 passed: 80.7 %
{20248.jpg} Who do you think is the best * (write) of all time? William Shakespeare, of course.
Question 5 passed: 71.6 %
{20249.gif} Bayard, the knight 'without fear and beyond reproach' was called the 'Good Knight' for his * (kind).
Question 6 passed: 46.9 %
{16832.gif} I am exhausted, Phoebe is such a * (rest) girl!
Question 7 passed: 13.4 %
{17600.jpg} To make these crumpets, you don't need more than two * (spoon) of sugar.
Question 8 passed: 41.3 %
{20250.jpg} "* (happy) is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." (Albert Schweitzer)
Question 9 passed: 62.5 %
{20252.gif} = 3.1415926535... Nobody can write the number Pi. It has an * (end) list of figures.
Question 10 passed: 71.8 %
{20253.gif} On July 20, 1969 the expedition to the Moon was * (success).
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