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Exercise "Christmas", created by lili73 (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 10 201 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 69.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): kary / QUéBEC, on Thursday 28 December - 18:52:
They got a perfect mark
Stats (7952 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 76.1 %
In England Santa Claus is also known as *.
Question 2 passed: 69.4 %
Santa Claus' little helpers and toy makers are called *.
Question 3 passed: 61.5 %
What does Santa Claus use to deliver his presents? *
Question 4 passed: 61.1 %
Santa's means of transportation is powered by *.
Question 5 passed: 75 %
What colour is Rudolph's nose? *
Question 6 passed: 70.9 %
How does Santa Claus usually enter a house ? *
Question 7 passed: 66.6 %
Which day does he deliver the gifts? on *.
Question 8 passed: 55.1 %
This plant is a symbol of winter. It has red berries and green leaves with sharp points. *
Question 9 passed: 52.9 %
Kissing under it has long been a part of Christmas tradition. *
Question 10 passed: 89.1 %
The original Santa Claus, St. Nicholas, was born in *.
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