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Exercise "Words with different meanings", created by lili73 (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 27 516 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 68.5 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): gogopet / SWITZERLAND, on Friday 25 October - 20:33:
"Thank you!"
They got a perfect mark
Stats (25816 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 56.3 %
Treasure Island: Jim Hawkins finds a map of the island in captain Flint's *.
Question 2 passed: 68.9 %
{2-29861.jpg} This is a decimal clock from the time of the French Revolution. It has ten numbers and three moving *.
Question 3 passed: 74.3 %
* animals are not normally domesticated. They are hunted for food and sometimes for sport.
Question 4 passed: 72.9 %
{2-29862.jpg} The source of the Thames is a * called Thames Head. It is supplied with water deep under the ground.
Question 5 passed: 54 %
At the end of * the River Nile overflowed
Question 6 passed: 72.9 %
onto the * depositing fertile soil onto the fields.
Question 7 passed: 74.3 %
{2-29863.jpg} We have a lot of luggage, I wish the car had a bigger *.
Question 8 passed: 53.3 %
As I was walking near the woods a bear * out of the undergrowth, 10 metres ahead of me.
Question 9 passed: 73 %
Could you * me those keys on the table next to you, please?
Question 10 passed: 79.3 %
{2-29864.gif} The * that sticks up will be hammered down. (Japanese proverb)
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