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    Learn English > English lessons & exercises > Uses of LIKE > Stats updated every 4 hours
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    Exercise "Uses of LIKE", created by lili73 (a free exercise to learn English):
    Results of the 37 211 people who have taken this test:
    Average mark: 70 / 100 Share

    Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): lini / PORTUGAL, on Thursday 05 January - 13:24:

    They got a perfect mark

    Stats (37199 candidates)
    Question 1 passed: 68.9 %
    Compléter avec le mot qui convient Complete with the right word.- Look at that strange flying object!  I have never seen the likes *

    Question 2 passed: 69.2 %
     of it!  Angela is a very good singer, she sings like *

    Question 3 passed: 75.2 %
     Madonna.  The weather is fine, would you like *

    Question 4 passed: 51.9 %
     to go for a walk?  ' What is it like *

    Question 5 passed: 69.1 %
     to be a bat?' is a famous article written by the american philosopher Thomas Nagel               Here are some of my likes *

    Question 6 passed: 70.5 %
     and dislikes.    I like: swimming in the sea        I don't like: alcohol                                                                          .......................listening to music                          the sound of rain               I don't like * people who are rude and selfish.

    Question 7 passed: 70.6 %
     What do chayotes *

    Question 8 passed: 71.7 %
    ? A bit like potatoes.   Chayotes I have a strong headache, I *

    Question 9 passed: 78.9 %
    staying in bed all day.  What language does this man speak?  It *

    Question 10 passed: 73.6 %
    Portuguese. What does your son *

    Question 11 passed: 70.5 %
    ? Exactly like his father. Just now, I don't * having a cold drink. I'd like a hot one please.

    Question 12 passed: 72 %
     I'll have pork with apple sauce *

    Question 13 passed: 67.7 %
    you, I love pork with apple sauce *

    Question 14 passed: 53.2 %
    they do in England.         Peter, you should behave *

    Question 15 passed: 69 %
    your sister does. Stop acting *

    Question 16 passed: 65.4 %
    a fool! I have never seen Chicago. *

    Question 17 passed: 80.3 %
    this town like New York?                                        I'll make some chocolate brownies. *

    Question 18 passed: 69.8 %
    you like them?        What * your cousin David like doing?

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