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Exercise "Another form of the word", created by anonyme (a free exercise to learn English):
Results of the 1 240 people who have taken this test:
Average mark: 54 / 100 Share
Latest member with a 100/100 (perfect mark): gogopet / SWITZERLAND, on Monday 15 June - 13:57:
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Stats (838 candidates)
Question 1 passed: 74.9 %
There are no good roads in the area, so most of the ranches are only * (access) by jeep or other off-road vehicles.
Question 2 passed: 71 %
The amount of any of these ingredients can be * (adjustment) according to your taste.
Question 3 passed: 49.4 %
The country is trying to move from a centrally planned * (economic) to one basically geared to the needs of the market.
Question 4 passed: 28.9 %
Her fever is getting * (progress) worse. I think we should call a doctor.
Question 5 passed: 41.8 %
He does not consider his deafness a * (disable).
Question 6 passed: 45.3 %
You don't have the slightest * (incline) to listen to our opinion.
Question 7 passed: 55.3 %
The man stood in front of the bar, * (indifference) to the argument that was going on across the road.
Question 8 passed: 48.1 %
They spent much time comforting the * (homesickness) children at the beginning of summer camp.
Question 9 passed: 57.2 %
We were all very impressed by the * (excellent) of the design.
Question 10 passed: 24.6 %
We hadn't seen her for many years and were very shocked by her * (frail).
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