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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #103280: Civilisation of the USA
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    Civilisation of the USA

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    English exercise "Civilisation of the USA" created by here4u with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from here4u]
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    1. How many states does the USA consist of ?

    2. The flag of the United States is called :

    3. Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of November) commemorates :

    4. The Statue of Liberty standing in New York Harbor :

    5. Mount Rushmore in South Dakota is famous for the sculptures of the Heads of 4 former American Presidents :

    6. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln signed :

    7. During the conquest of the West, the Frontier :

    8. In 1963, he delivered the Speech : I have a Dream …

    9. In the US, a wave of anti-Japanese sentiment swept across America :

    10. To prevent illegal immigration from Mexico, a concrete and steel fence (The Secure Border Fence) was built in 2008, as a border between the 2 countries. To enter the US, the best solution was then:

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Civilisation of the USA
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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