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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #127658: Pre-flight checklist
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    Pre-flight checklist

    Some vocabulary :


    leading edge

    trailing edge



     tank cover


     nose gear

     wing flaps

     cowl flap


     roll control

    trim tabs


     empennage ou tail section


     rudder ou rudder control

     elevator control



     rudder pedals

     horizontal stabilizer





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    English exercise "Pre-flight checklist" created by dewoitine24 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from dewoitine24]
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    1. Before the flight, do a pre-flight check on the and gauges in the cockpit.

    2. Oil and temperature should be checked and be in the green.

    3. Move the propeller and make sure to identify any lubricant leaks in the propeller .

    4. Check the wheels and the .

    5. Under the aircraft, check for fuel leaks around the compartment, cowling and fuel tanks.

    6. First and foremost, make sure you have enough for your flight.

    7. Make sure and landing gear are performing properly.

    8. Check the engine level, ignition wires, magneto.

    9. At the front of the aircraft make sure to look at the and check for any damage.

    10. Observe the elevators and the rudder, making sure they are all tight and flight ready .

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Pre-flight checklist
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Making portraits, describing | Jobs | Find the word | Journeys | All our lessons and exercises