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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #44186: Differences between 'dead' 'death' and 'died'
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: Find the word [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - School stuff - In the house-Vocabulary - Animals and pictures - After / Before / Ago / Since / For - Uses of LIKE - Polling day-Vocabulary - Words and suffixes - Formulaires administratifs
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    Differences between 'dead' 'death' and 'died'

    Choose the right word.

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    English exercise "Differences between 'dead' 'death' and 'died'" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Twenty people in the rail accident this morning.

    2. John feels lonely because his parents are .

    3. The king three years ago.

    4. My brother is afraid of snakes even if they are .

    5. The are normally buried in the cemetery.

    6. Is there a life after ?

    7. The earthquake only lasted for a while but several people .

    8. Vultures are big birds which eat animals.

    9. The old man in the ambulance before arriving at the hospital.

    10. sometimes surprises us in this world.

    11. The inspector found a man in the river.

    12. People are getting accustomed to today.

    13. The general in the bomb attack.

    14. The police must arrest this highwayman or alive.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Differences between 'dead' 'death' and 'died'
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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