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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #67975: New York City
    > Other English exercises on the same topic: USA [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - British English/American English - Wanna Gotta Gonna - New Year in the USA - History of the USA - Voting in the USA - British English-American English: residence 3/3 - American States - Halloween
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    New York City

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    English exercise "New York City" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. New York is located in the of the USA.

    2. It is the of America.

    3. You can find many there.

    4. New York's nickname is .

    5. The capital of New York State is .

    6. The name of the biggest river in New York State is .

    7. In New York more than films are shot each year.

    8. The most famous skyscrapers are in Manhattan, such as .

    9. More than different languages are spoken in New York.

    10. New York is a city.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: New York City
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topic : USA | All our lessons and exercises