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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #99521: Compound adjectives
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    Compound adjectives

    Complete the sentences with compound adjectives.

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    English exercise "Compound adjectives" created by eos17 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from eos17]
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    1. We have a very nice bedroom but it's not (air / condition) !

    2. His work has brought good results. He has a (well / earn) reward.

    3. This (strawberry / wild) ice-cream was a delicious dessert.

    4. I feel (light / head) after drinking champagne !

    5. This (nerve / rack) situation is exhausting my energy.

    6. Every week, I watch a (end /never) saga on television.

    7. The (self / employ) workers are complaining about paying heavy taxes.

    8. The (seat / back) passenger must fasten his seat-belt.

    9. His (pale / deathly) face frightened us.

    10. The boss has bought a (save / time) machine tool.

    11. We need a (quick / wit) person to win the game.

    12. In winter, my (face / north) bedroom is very cold.

    13. I have never heard such a (sweet / bitter) speech!

    14. My (first / to be born) was a premature baby.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Compound adjectives
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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