Find a penpal > ash13 : Please log in to contact this member.Registration date: Saturday 08 October 2022 at 19:43GENDER: male (32 years old)Country: Morocco Other members are allowed to contact me.About me: Interested in discovering many languages. Learning and refining levels of a new language is for me as 'I bear a charmed life' that I quote from Shakespeare's Macbeth. I'm totally scientific, but I have an immense passion for literature. I work eagerly in my office, enhance my English, study Spanish, share knowledge and look for new adventures. Here, my adventure revolves around learning and sharing in Mathematics, Culture, Spanish, English and French. Hope extend my aims to more divisions. Let time make up its mind. Power is gained by sharing knowledge not hoarding it. The art of learning and sharing is the only one which brings together all kinds of arts. There is no glory in practice, but without practice there is no glory.My main language(s): French English Spanish I'm learning: English Spanish ➡️ FORUM : The topics I've created My replies ➡️ LESSONS AND TESTS: My tests & my lessons