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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #114: Reading comprehension: no supply? no school!

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    Reading comprehension: no supply? no school!

    No Supplies? No School For Local Students
    Superintendent Says Kids Must Have Pens, Paper

    September 16, 2002: WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, Ohio -- Pens, paper and notebooks are usually mandatory in every high school.

    The superintendent said that students must have school supplies like paper and a notebook in order to do their work.

    'When I spent the first week walking in the school, 3 to 5 percent didn't have anything, and that upset me,' said Dr. Gwendolyn Cooke, the superintendent.

    Although letters were sent out two weeks ago, many parents said they didn't know their kids were supposed to bring the notebooks to school. As a result, many students couldn't enter the school.

    'Maybe they mailed them, but we did not receive them, through the kids or through the mail,' parent Carolyn Jones said.

    'My child has notebooks,' parent John Mikel said. 'Her lockers are just down the hall. She could have gotten her notebooks from there.'

    Some of the students are also upset over the dress code -- no more white T-shirts will be allowed.

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    1. What happened?

    2. What did the superintendent send to parents two weeks before?

    3. What does John Mikel think of this idea?

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