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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #264: English idioms: Food II

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Idioms | Food [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Vocabulary: at the restaurant - Fruits and vegetables - Eating out-Vocabulary - Fruit and vegetables - Cooking : Verbs-adjectives - Fruit-trees - Vocabulary: I'm hungry - Ways of cooking
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    English idioms: Food II


    IDIOM 1: 'bad egg '

    -> MEANING: a bad person

    -> EXAMPLE: That man is a bad egg so you should try and avoid him if you can.

    IDIOM 2: 'cut the mustard'

    -> MEANING: succeed, do adequately what
    needs to be done

    -> EXAMPLE: He wasn`t able to cut the mustard so he had to leave the army after only one year.


    IDIOM 3: 'duck soup '

    -> MEANING: a task that doesn't require much effort

    -> EXAMPLE: It was duck soup.
    I was able to finish everything early last night.

    IDIOM 4: 'in the soup'

    -> MEANING: in serious trouble, in disorder

    -> EXAMPLE: She is really in the soup now. She told her boss that she was sick but he saw her downtown

    IDIOM 5: 'full of beans'

    -> MEANING: feel energetic, in high spirits

    -> EXAMPLE: She is full of beans tonight and doesn`t want to stop talking.

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    English exercise "English idioms: Food II" created by webmaster with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from webmaster]
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    1. 'My little sister is : she is always running, jumping, crying, talking...'

    2. 'If you don't tell the truth to the policemen, you will : you will have a lot of problems.'

    3. 'My son doesn't manage to : his boss told him that he was a very bad employee. He will probably be fired soon.'

    4. 'Your exercise is ! Even my little 5-year-old brother can do it!'

    5. 'Don't call him! He's really : his previous girlfriend told me a lot of bad things about him.'

    End of the free exercise to learn English: English idioms: Food II
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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