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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #357: Idioms : Colours
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    Idioms : Colours

    Idioms : Colours

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    English exercise "Idioms : Colours" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. To reveal one's true nature :

    2. To make (an account, story, explanation ...) more credible or more plausible :

    3. With great success, with distinction :

    4. To assume a false identity in order to conceal one's true purpose :

    5. To describe something in a flattering or unflattering way :

    6. To win recognition for one's achievement :

    7. To make absolutely clear what one's views are in a very forthright manner :

    8. To join the Army :

    9. To see everything in a flattering or over-optimistic light :

    10. To lack personality, to be uninteresting or nondescript :

    11. To be not quite at one's best, to feel queasy or slightly ill :

    12. In the guise of, under the pretext of :

    13. Background information about a place or event :

    14. To have one's ideas and opinions changed by external influences :

    15. To take some money in advance before parting with one's goods or services :

    16. Discrimination against black and coloured people in favour of the whites, legally, socially or economically :

    17. A report that is exaggerated or biased :

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Idioms : Colours
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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