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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #46: Prepositions (for / in / of /on / to)
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    Prepositions (for / in / of /on / to)

    Use the preposition for, in, of, on or to !

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    English exercise "Prepositions (for / in / of /on / to)" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. He was full of admiration the way she had chaired the meeting.

    2. The rise in interest rates had had a considerable effect sales of furniture and kitchen appliances.

    3. By taking them over we shall gain access new markets.

    4. We have every confidence your organising ability.

    5. I hope they find a solution this storage problem soon !

    6. To cater for the growing interest information technology, we have had to put on three extra courses this year.

    7. Is there any chance seeing you about this some time today ?

    8. We need to put more emphasis improving staff morale rather than buying more equipment.

    9. Have you had any experience this type of work ?

    10. There seemed to be little point continuing the discussion.

    11. They have been offered a considerable increase salary in return for more flexibility.

    12. I have no intention resigning. It's up to them to dismiss me if they aren't satisfied.

    13. By the way, congratulations winning the Waverley contract !

    14. As a result the adverse publicity, their sales went down.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Prepositions (for / in / of /on / to)
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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