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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #480: Types of Sentences
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    Types of Sentences

    Be ready it's a hard one :)In this exercise you will be ask to identify what kind of sentence is written , you will have to choose between :1- Simple Sentence2- Compound Sentence3- Complex Sentence4- Compound-Complex SentenceThere are 5 sentences.Some examples are written at the end of the test, where you can find the answers.****Identify each of the following sentences : S for simple , C for compound , CX for complex and CC for compound-complex****Have Fun :)

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    English exercise "Types of Sentences" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. Paula, who has been studying medicine for the last three years, will work at the new clinic next summer.

    2. Next week, Ron is leaving for Haiti.

    3. Jonathan promised me that he would look after the hotel reservations and I told him that I would buy the plane tickets.

    4. Did you know which novel we will read for the course?

    5. Marilyn wants to get married next year, but Fred would like to finish his studies first

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Types of Sentences
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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