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Countable or Uncountable?
I) What is a countable noun?
a) It is a noun which is for things we can count.
Examples of countable nouns: table, bag, school
We can say: one table, two tables... one bag, two bags...
b) It usually has a plural form:
Examples: table > tables | bag > bags | school > schools
II) What is an uncountable noun?
a) It is a noun which is for things we cannot count.
Examples of uncountable nouns: tea, sugar, water, air, rice.
b) Uncountable nouns are often the names for abstract ideas or qualities.
Examples: knowledge, beauty, anger, fear, love.
c) They usually do not have a plural form. They are used with a singular verb.
Examples: we cannot say 'sugars, angers, knowledges'.
d) We cannot use a/an with these nouns. To express a quantity of one of these nouns, we use a word or expression like:
some, a lot of, a piece of, a bit of, a great deal of...
He gave me a great deal of advice before my interview.
They've got a lot of furniture.

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