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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #73: Idioms; human body

    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Human body | Idioms | Diseases [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Describing a face - Human body - Human body-Vocabulary A1 - Vocabulary: the human body - Face (our) - Health problems - Human skeleton - Vocabulary: I'm hungry
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    Idioms; human body



    IDIOM 1: "at the top of one's lungs"
    -> MEANING: as loud as one can, very loudly
    -> EXAMPLE: I yelled at the top of my lungs to get the attention of that man.


    IDIOM 2: "blood is thicker than water"
    -> MEANING:
    family members are closer to one another than to others
    -> EXAMPLE: Blood is thicker than water and people usually support their family rather than their friends in times of trouble.


    IDIOM 3: "butterflies in one's stomach"
    -> MEANING: a feeling of fear or anxiety in the stomach
    -> EXAMPLE: The little boy had butterflies in his stomach when he had to give the speech in front of the class.

    IDIOM 4: "save one's neck"
    -> MEANING: save from danger or trouble
    -> EXAMPLE: The worker tried to save his own neck without thinking of any of the other people.


    IDIOM 5: "scratch one's back"
    -> MEANING: do something kind and helpful for someone in the hope that they will do something for you
    -> EXAMPLE: If you scratch the supervisor's back he will help you when you need help.

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    English exercise "Idioms; human body" created by webmaster with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from webmaster]
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    1. 'Help me! I'm too anxious! I . This exam is too difficult for me!'

    2. 'I screamed to stop the child from crossing the street.'

    3. 'Be very nice with your boss. You should if you would like to have a pay rise.'

    4. Although many people are affected by the problems in the company, the boss is only trying to .

    5. 'I'm sorry, but . I will never denounce my brother to the police.'

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Idioms; human body
    A free English exercise to learn English.
    Other English exercises on the same topics : Human body | Idioms | Diseases | All our lessons and exercises