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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #866: English idioms: insects, fish...

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    English idioms: insects, fish...

    ENGLISH IDIOMS: Insects & fish



    IDIOM 1: 'big fish in a small pond'
    -> MEANING: an important person in a small place
    -> EXAMPLE: He wasn`t so important in New York but in Smallville he is a big fish in a small pond.


    IDIOM 2: 'mad as a hornet'
    -> MEANING: very angry, in a fighting mood
    -> EXAMPLE: He was as mad as a hornet when he came to work this morning.


    IDIOM 3: 'flea in one's ear'
    -> MEANING: an idea or answer that is not welcome
    -> EXAMPLE: I think that I put a flea in his ear when I told him about the computer problems.

    IDIOM 4: 'world is one's oyster'
    -> MEANING: one can get anything that one wants
    -> EXAMPLE: When you graduate from university the world will be your oyster so don`t worry about the future.

    IDIOM 5: 'ants in one's pants'
    -> MEANING: nervous overactivity, restlessness
    -> EXAMPLE: The teacher asked the little boy if he had ants in his pants when he kept moving around in his seat.

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    English exercise "English idioms: insects, fish..." created by webmaster with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from webmaster]
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    1. 'Look! Your little boy Tommy has ! He can't stay on his chair and he is always jumping and running!'

    2. 'Sandra put when she told me that the firm was to go bankrupt soon.'

    3. 'Police, please help me! My son is and wants to destroy everything in the house!'

    4. 'Our mayor is really . He is the most important man in our little town.'

    5. 'I'm the king of the world! !'

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    A free English exercise to learn English.
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