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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #10063: Countable nouns with a/an and some

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    Countable nouns with a/an and some

    Countable nouns with a/an and some



    1- Countable nouns may be singular or plural:

    a cat

    a man

    the morning

    this bus

    an armchair



    the mornings

    these buses

    two armchairs

    2- Before a singular countable noun we can usea/an :

    1. Have a nice day !
    2. Can I have an ice-cream ?  

    3- We can't use countable nouns alone ( = without the, a, an, my, etc ) :

    1. He never wears a tie.
    2. What a stupid answer !  
    3. I've got an umbrella.  

    4-We use a/an …  to say what kind of thing or person we speak about :

    • That's a horrible colour.  

    5-  In the plural we use the word alone :

    • Those are lovely flowers.

    6- Compare the singular and the plural:




    A horse is an animal.

    Horses are animals.

    I am a pacifist.

    We are pacifists.

    He is a doctor.

    My brothers are doctors.

    Is she a good nurse ?

    Are they good drivers ?

    Jane is really a shy girl.

    Jane's sisters are funny girls.

    What an expensive hat !

    What awful stories !


    7- We say :

    1. Jack has a long nose. ( not 'the' long nose )
    2. Lily has small hands. ( not 'the' small hands )  

    8- We use a/an before a job :

    1. Simon is a lorry-driver.
    2. How about being a lawyer ?  

    9- We can use some with  countable nouns in the plural:

    1. Some = a few, a number of, a pair of => I have read some interesting books.
    2. We don't use some when speaking about things in general => I love apples.
    3. We can make sentences with or without some, the meaning won't change. 
      • There are ( some ) bottles of good wine in the cellar.
        1. Some = some but not all => Some women are afraid of mice. ( but not all women ! )

    Of course we can use some with uncountable nouns : there is some water on the floor.


    Exercise : Complete with a/an/some or - (= nothing).

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    English exercise "Countable nouns with a/an and some" created by lucile83 with The test builder. [More lessons & exercises from lucile83]
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    1. I need salt with my meal.

    2. What's wrong with you? Have you got precise problem at work?

    3. I know a lot of actors. Most of them are famous.

    4. When I was child, I used to practise the piano every day.

    5. Would she like to be English teacher ?

    6. Do you really collect exotic butterflies ?

    7. What interesting game !

    8. I have been working on the computer for hours. I have got sore eyes.

    9. James doesn't feel very well this morning. He has got headache.

    10. We have brought the camera. We'll be able to take photographs of the building.

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