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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #101059: Martin Luther King, Jr remembered
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    Martin Luther King, Jr remembered

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    He began his career as a Baptist preacher but went on to lead a sweeping effort to end racial discrimination known as the civil rights movement. Along the way, Martin Luther King Jr. made history and emerged as one of the most leaders of the 20th century.

    Before the civil rights movement began, segregation policies known as 'Jim Crow' laws kept African Americans in a separate and generally world from whites. African Americans went to separate public schools, ate in separate and even had to use separate public restrooms. They had to sit in the back of buses and give up their seats to any white people . But in 1954, 'Jim Crow' suffered a stunning defeat: the Supreme Court declared that schools for blacks and whites were inherently unequal in a case called 'Brown vs. Board of Education'. The following year in Montgomery, Alabama, a tailor's assistant named Rosa Parks to give up her bus seat for a white passenger. Parks was arrested but Martin Luther King organized a full-fledged of the Montgomery city bus sytem. Thirteen months later the buses integrated.

    The Montgomery boycott inspired more efforts to end . In 1963, King and other civil rights leaders organized the 'March on Washington'. More than 200,000 people came to the Nation's Capitol to demand equality for blacks and Congress to pass pending civil rights laws. Standing at the base of the Lincoln Memorial, King spoke the words 'I have a dream today' his hope for a future in which all men would be brothers.

    The civil rights movement was changing the nation . In 1964, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act which made racial in public places illegal. The same year, King was the Nobel Peace Prize. On April 4th, 1968, Martin Luther King was in Memphis, Tennessee. But the movement he helped to lead lived on, inspiring other groups such as Hispanics, and the disabled to fight for equal under the law and completing King's legacy of greater social justice for all Americans.

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