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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #101740: San Francisco earthquake
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    San Francisco earthquake

    From geography-site.co.uk

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    English exercise "San Francisco earthquake" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    Near dawn on April 18, 1906, certain plates underneath San Francisco began rubbing together. This was so powerful that it caused the land above to split open. Because it began below the crust of the earth, the earthquake was silent. But moments later, the sound of windows breaking and buildings falling were . Cliffs fell into the ocean and mountains filled small valleys. The of the land changed for hundreds of miles all around. The people of San Francisco were not aware that morning of the rolling and shaking far beneath their homes. When the strongest hit the city, most people were still asleep. The quake was strong enough to cause tremendous damage. Its was such that City Hall collapsed into a pile of rubble, leaving only the frame standing. Trains, trolleys, gas and water services all stopped. A disaster like this many public services. Gas leaks caused fires but water would not flow from fire hydrants because the water pipes had broken, too. It was that water be found somewhere. Fires raged for four days and destroyed 28,000 buildings in San Francisco. This frightening fact shows just how a major earthquake can be. Earthquakes can happen anywhere. Several of the most deadly have occurred in cities in the Western . Earthquakes great pressure on tall buildings. Architects are trying to design buildings that will remain standing during a major quake.

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