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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #103061: Prepositions of location at/in/on

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    Prepositions of location at/in/on

    The prepositions at, in, and on can be used to reference time, location, or direction.

    These are the simple rules to use these prepositions in reference to location.

    We use 'at' when the location is a place. For example:
    Your sister is at the front door.
    We are having a picnic at the park.
    He will be waiting for you at the school.

    We use 'in' when the location is a container. For example:
    The book is in the desk drawer.
    She put the flowers in the vase.
    He is in the kitchen

    We use 'on' when the location is the surface of something. For example:
    The pencil is on the top of the desk.
    The glass fell on the floor
    My cat is sleeping on the bed.

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    1. We were swimming all night the new pool we had built.

    2. You will find his house the east end of main street.

    3. The packages arrived early this morning. The deliveryman left them the table.

    4. The boy threw the ball too hard and it landed the roof of the house.

    5. I wanted to have many to choose from, so I went shopping for a new car the large car lot.

    6. I placed all of your mail this box while you were away.

    7. She was running late so she left her laptop computer locked her car.

    8. We bought several cans of soup. When we got home we placed them the pantry.

    9. Those candles look beautiful sitting the fireplace mantle next to the flowers.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Prepositions of location at/in/on
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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