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    Learn English > English lessons and exercises > English test #104475: Gerund and infinitive
    > Other English exercises on the same topics: Infinitive | -ing [Change theme]
    > Similar tests: - Adjectives-ing and ed - Infinitive clause - FOR and its use - Gerund - Infinitive phrase - Infinitive in sentences - TO + verb base or TO + V + ing - Look forward to/be used to
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    Gerund and infinitive

    Complete the sentences.

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    English exercise "Gerund and infinitive" created by anonyme with The test builder.
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    1. I am fond of (walk) in the rain, especially when it is drizzling.

    2. Ms. Smith wants you (get) it done as soon as possible.

    3. Robert is interested in (sit) by the fire at night when he goes camping.

    4. I would rather (have) some coffee than tea.

    5. He enjoys (drive) his car on the country roads.

    6. I don't mind (wash) the dishes at the weekends.

    7. I can't stand (listen) to formal speeches.

    8. My son hates (get up) early in the morning, but I am an early bird.

    9. He prefers (stay) up late than going to bed early.

    10. My niece, who is only four, likes (get up) early because she adores having breakfast.

    11. Mr. Robertson, our biology professor, abhors (repeat) his questions.

    12. I can't help (laugh) when I see him on TV.

    End of the free exercise to learn English: Gerund and infinitive
    A free English exercise to learn English.
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